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Easily schedule respondents and ensure they show up with unlimited e-mail, SMS, and phone call reminders.
Your show rates will be at an all time high.


Create as many reminders as you want to ensure respondents show up. This includes e-mail, SMS, and even phone calls.

Automated scheduling

Your respondents can schedule themselves - just send them a link to your study's schedule and watch the slots fill up.

Google Calendar Integration

With the Google Calendar Integration, show your "open" slots, which will hide existing events on your calendar. When events are scheduled, they will be synced with your calendar.

Outlook Calendar Integration

With the Outlook Calendar Integration, show your "open" slots, which will hide existing events on your calendar. When events are scheduled, they will be synced with your calendar.

Get started today

We would like to learn about your pain points and desired outcomes.
Please schedule a time to chat with us.

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